Well, the garden beds have been turned, peat moss has been added, as well as lots of Starbucks "Grounds for your Garden" - Not only does my garden smell lovely, but it is ready for spring!
I always hate weeding, but I know it needs to be done. What is really ironic, and my father finds the humor, is that, as a kid, I always hated weeding. And now, as an adult, I have a garden, which I love, and self impose weeding.
As I was turning my soil, I was so pleased to find lots of big, FAT worms!! Yay!! Healthy soil!!! I am so glad that I added lots of yummy peat moss for them to eat :o) I hope they will tell all of their friends to come to the feast!!
Next weekend, my good friend Julie is going to come over and help me build an arbor that will live permanently in my garden. My cucuzzi will grow on it in spring, and who knows what will grow for the rest of the year, but at least I'll have a structure that will support my squash better than the trellis I've been using (or at least, that's the plan). Pictures will follow!
Other than cucuzzi, I'm not completely sure what will be growing in my garden this spring. I know I'll have cherry tomatoes in the front yard, along with the herbs, but I really am not sure what is going in the back. I'm thinking carrots, as my "new" item, but other than that, I'm not sure!
More to come!!